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zondag 12 januari 2025

Melchor Rodriguez guitar (Estudio)


A guitar that surprised me a lot sound wise. It is in fact 
a bit of a Jose Ramirez 1A concert guitar clone: The
soundboard has been equipped with a 7 fan bracing
and the small individual hardwood glue blocks simply
do resemble the Ramirez construction a lot. The great
concert guitar player and composer Jose Luis Merlin
also plays a Melchor Rodriguez "Merlin" model and 
the two even became friends. Melchor Rodriguez has 
retired now though the two still have regular contact.

 Being a quality instrument, the addition "Estudio" on the
label surprised me as this guitar can compete with other
high level instruments. 

Therefore I also made this picture where you can observe 
the beautiful rounded inner heel. Also the way it has been 
done in the Jose Ramirez clase 1A guitars. In fact every
detail of the inner work shows a high standard!

The body has its' traces of normal use but being almost 
50 years old that is understandable. The sides have been
strengthened with extra braces the way Jose Ramirez
did in his 1A models as well. The damage on the lower
bout on the right in fact was only lacquer loss but the
former owner kept on using the guitar without protecting
the bare wood. As a result that became dirty. I cleaned
that spot and colored it matching with the rest of the
soundboard. I used a water based stain for it: CLOU
You can get it in all sorts of colors in powder.

The back is still in a remarkable shape although I might
give it an extra layer of varnish to make it like new.

A much fresher look and it gives more cosmetical value to
this guitar. Rosewood can be lacquered and polished quite 
easily. The problem is there most of the time when you are
varnishing the bare wood as it contains often oil residues 
that are slowing down the hardening of the lacquer.

As with a lot of other Spanish makers the luthiers sometimes 
stick to the use of the same model name or number while
changing several things regarding the components. Here the
gold coloured tuners can be seen while on other Estudio
models they appear to be silver coloured. I've seen about
the same tuners on the Melchor Rodriguez Grand Concerto
guitars, a bit surprising as the axe holders were also bowed 
out of the base plate on those tuners. Another Madrid based
luthier, Vicente Perez Camacho is using exactly the same
tuners on a guitar I have in my collection.

Good fretwork and a very nicely executed rosette,

And a bridge where the string tie block has been
provided with harder edges to prevent damages.

dinsdag 7 januari 2025

Sadao Yairi gitaar model 800 (1976)


Hier een mooie gitaar uit de ateliers van Sadao Yairi. Ik ga
er niet van uit dat hij de gitaren allemaal zelf bouwde en dat 
geldt dan ook voor de hoger geclassificeerde gitaren. De S. 
Yairi gitaren werden eigenlijk maar in beperkte mate met
palissander voor zij- en achterkant uitgevoerd, iets wat je
bij de duurdere series toch zeker zou verwachten, zeker in 
de zeventiger jaren. Dat de Jose Ramirez Clase 1A gitaren 
model hebben gestaan voor deze modellen is evident. 

Deze gitaar is in prima staat behoudens wat kleine gebruiks-
sporen en wellicht wat deukjes op de hals van capo gebruik. 
Wordt verkocht in zijn originele snake skin koffer en de prijs 
houd ik aan de ondergrens voor wat ze momenteel doen. 
Speelt lekker licht en de gitaar is helemaal afgesteld voor 
optimaal spelplezier. Prijs: 700 Euro.

De gitaar is voorzien van een prachtige rozet en ook het binnenwerk 
is keurig verzorgd bij deze gitaar. Het bovenblad is voorzien van
het traditionele 7 delige waaier patroon. Voor het bovenblad is 
massief fichten (sparrenhout) gebruikt. Fijngenerfd. E.e.a. zorgt
voor een mooie balans qua geluidssterkte tussen de lage en de
hoge snaren. Een mooie ronde en volle toon mag bij dit instrument 
verwacht worden. Dat is er dan ook en de ebben toets geeft een
extra luxe uitstraling aan deze gitaar. Scale is 655 mm. Breedte 
van de topkam is 53 mm. Eigen frequentie van de klankkast is 
110 Herz. Niet prominent aanwezig.

Door op de afbeelding te klikken krijg je de rozet foto nog
eens extra vergroot. Op deze foto moeten de frets nog even 
opgefrist worden maar dat zal ik voor verkoop zeker nog 
doen. Het klassieke label siert de gitaar nog eens extra.

Geen speelsporen waar ze vaak wel te zien zijn. Octaaf
zuiverheid is prima.

En hier alle informatie: Bouwjaar en type nummer.
De signatuur wordt zeer waarschijnlijk gewoon mee-
gedrukt met de rest van het label.

Luxe kam welke nog eens mooi verstevigd is aan de 
randen van het snarenblok. Zit ook prima vast nog.

Hier kunt U een evt. beschadiging nader bekijken. Geen
hindernis bij het spelen wat mij betreft maar laat e.e.a. maar
duidelijk zijn: Midden foto links op de hals.

Mooie achterkant met hoegenaamd geen krassen. Mooi
is natuurlijk de centrale strip als extra ornament.

Ook de achterkant van de kop vertoont geen ruwe
beschadigingen tengevolge van het tegen de muur 
zetten van de gitaar.

Tot aan de onderkant wordt de extra versiering op deze gitaar
doorgevoerd maar gelukkig ook weer niet al te overdadig.

De frets zijn nog in prima staat. Wel een paar kuiltjes in 
het toetshout vanwege het spelen met te lange nagels.

Een wat dieper putje in het bovenblad dat netjes opgevuld
is. Beschadigingen kunnen lelijke sporen achterlaten als
er vuil in komt.

De inmiddels weer netjes opgefriste frets.

De originele snake skin koffer die er bij geleverd kon
worden indien gewenst. Zit nu bij de koop inbegrepen.


Toch nog een gaaf plaatje na bijna 50 jaar!

Apart is dan weer wel de toepassing van verschillende mechanieken 
die je op hetzelfde model van S. Yairi aantreft. Vaak ook niet goud-
kleurig. Ze werken overigens uitstekend. De goudkleurige zitten op
deze gitaar en zijn uiteraard weer goed gesmeerd.

donderdag 26 december 2024

Oscar Teller 8/A Guitar (1971)


Presented here is a completely relaquered Oscar Teller 8/A
The prefix "A" stands for ahorn, probably better known as
maple. As maple was readily available in those days this
model, executed in maple sides and back, was cheaper than
its' counterpart, the model 8/P in rosewood. Nowadays it
would have been different as the lighter hardwoods are
quite popular at this moment. But let's not forget also
Antonio de Torres already used maple for his premium
models in the 19th century and so did several French
guitar builders.

A closer look at the back is possible just by clicking on these pictures.
The scale is 650 mm and the bodies' own frequency is around the note 
G which means 98 Herz. Width of the topnut 51 mm. The intonation is
really good. Due to some top cracks the price would be 1/3 of the price 
what this guitar would be new: 1000 Euro's. The 8/P made by 
Wolfgang Teller (still in business) now costs € 3000,- As for the 
cracks: Everything is repaired and stable now.

The top has been French polished but keep in mind that not
all damages can be treated as then you are obliged to sand down
the soundboard. The top will be thinned then and is more prone 
to deformations and might even possibly collapse.

And its' label that says Model Nr. 8 / A Anno 1971.
Oscar Teller wasn't alive at that time anymore but
his son Horst kept the same label and name.

Hardly any fretwear. Someone must have did a job not that long ago.

The tuners were lost but these ones do the job really well.

The head often is a victim of damages from setting the guitar 
against a stone wall or knocking it against that wall. As the
back of the head was severely damaged I figured it would be 
nice to add a maple back plate the way later often has been
done by this company and its' builders. Moreover, maple is
much harder than the most of the time used cedar wood for
the necks.

The rosettes from those times on their premium guitars
were immediately recognizable.

zondag 8 september 2024

Yamaha GC(5 ) Grand Concert guitar 1979

A remarkable Japanese product is presented here.
A very good instrument at an affordable price. Above
all it is still in near mint condition but read all the
comments here beyond regarding this guitar.
Scale length: 650 mm. Width topnut: 53 mm.
Bodies own frequency: G which means 98 Herz.
Condition: Very good. Price: 1000 Euro's.

This is the real bottom as normally these guitars
are offered at Reverb between 1000 and 3000
Euro's depending on their condition and the
use of Brasilian rosewood on the earlier ones.

A closer look at the Yamaha branded guitar, type GC-5.
However, do not mistake yourself as this one can't be compared 
with the later GC-5 solely factory made guitars from this
company. Just take a look at the label here beyond as that
has been hand signed by the late great Hideyuki Ezaki.
He consulted Eduardo Ferrer, a historic dynasty of
guitar makers from Granada, for a few years.

And the label that has been hand signed by this venerable
luthier who worked for Yamaha until the late eighties of 
the past age. Later he started his own workshop and made 
premium concert guitars starting from 6.000 Euro's onwards.

Being this old this, guitar must have been a part of a 
collection as there is hardly any fretwear to discover.
Axes of the tuners are clinched to their base plate
which is a sign of quality.

Not any comments to give on this guitar so far, apart that 
it surprised me a lot sound wise. Full tone with lots of
volume and a nice even quality tone from the low to the
high registers.

Remarkable maybe as sides and back haven't been made
from solid woods, though rosewood on rosewood and any
comparison with all solid guitars in the 2000 / 3000 Euro
category (new) such as the Alhambra 11C was remarkable
as it simple can easily compete with that model.

The back of the  head is still in an undamaged condition.
The former player has treated this guitar with respect.
But he or she might even have kept it in its' case during
a long period of time.

Neck is absolutely straight with no dings or annoying
scratches. Tasteful edge inlays are there as well. And
let's not forget that the Jose Ramirez 1A guitars were
also veneered on the inside, often done to soften the 
tone a bit. For a lot of Japanese companies the laminated
woods used could in fact better withstand the inter-
national transports with ships and/or airplanes.

Nice rosette and a matching inlay in the string tie block.
The surrounded white binding prevents damage often 
due to the tension of the strings on the string tie wood.

And a closer look, now possible when you click on
this picture.

This 1979 guitar is spruce topped.